Your Yes Life Now


Self Improvement







June 2018
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"It Takes Time To Plough Your Own Path" David Weck

  1. Is there something you have been thinking about doing? About creating? About sharing? David talked about his road to success and how he “ready – aimed – fired.” He knew he had something that the world needed the moment he thought about creating the BOSU – the half dome where you had both a stable and unstable surface. What have you been holding off creating - waiting for the perfect moment to fire? What is one step you can take this weekend to test out your idea? Take it for a trial run with your trusted friends and move it closer to the green light of go.
  2. David talked about placing his product with influencers – way before the word influencer was a buzzword, David knew the importance of getting the buy-in of those he both respected and trusted. Is there someone you know, or even don’t know – whose "YES" to your idea or dream would give you the fuel needed to keep pushing ahead – even in times of uncertainty? Can you reach out to one influencer this weekend and put your idea, dream or thought plan in front of them to get feedback and or even a buy-in? Never forget ideas die in isolation and thrive in collaboration.
  3. David and I talk about our different struggles with who people thought we were to the story that was going on in the inside. If you are someone who struggles with anxiety or feelings of self-worth and doubt – can you reach out to someone and ask for help? There is nothing to be ashamed of and some of the most creative people I know have had internal struggles throughout parts of their life and career. This weekend I invite you – no scratch that – I need you to ask someone to listen, to help and make an appointment with someone who can help you walk through your doubt and fears. And as Pema Chodron wisely said, "fear is a natural reaction that you are moving closer to your truth."
  4. Continuing our thoughts around doubts and FEAR I want you to consider and reframe your idea of what a successful person looks like. Success does not arm you against the trials and tribulations of real life. If anything, many successful people have risen from the ashes to get to where they are today. What is it that you are afraid of? What is hiding underneath your fear? So many of us are afraid to fail – but as you have heard me say before F.A.I.L – First Attempts In Learning. What would you attempt to do if you knew that failure was only a sign that you are stretching yourself, your edges and getting ready to take flight?
  5. David talked about us being more forgiving both of ourselves and then of others. Forgiveness does not mean letting people off the hook for doing unforgivable things in the past, but it does mean unhooking yourself from the negatives that lie in the past so that they do not affect your positive future. Who is that one person who you need to forgive to be able to move forward and create your positive future?


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Category:Health -- posted at: 11:15am EDT

"Let's be More Forgiving To Ourselves and Therefore to Others" David Weck

This conversation with my dear friend, fitness creator and entrepreneur could not be more timely. Yes, we talk about fitness, health and our experience within that amazing industry, but perhaps, more importantly, we talk about health - the health of our mind and how sometimes it can seem to become a foe versus a friend.

David talks about his struggles with mental health and I talk about my struggle with anxiety and panic attacks. As David says so well, "It's time to stop pretending." 

We begin on a light note reminiscing about how we first met and David' start as a New York actor, who found his way into fitness and eventually became a pioneer with his invention of the BOSU. As David rollerbladed everywhere in NYC, his feet became extremely weak from always being in roller blades and that led to a back problem.  So that led to David training with a stability ball, then standing on the stability ball and by constantly falling off the stability ball he asked himself "what if I cut it in half?"  And then the Bosu ball was born.

David shares what it took to get his product out into the world. He believes that three trains have to leave the station for an inventor, entrepreneur and especially one that's on a budget to have a chance of succeeding. The first one is your intellectual property, the second is the manufacturing, and the third is the marketing.

David discusses the fact that not only is there a physical benefit that comes when we work on our balance but there is also a psychological benefit.  The more physiologically confident we are at the fundamental level, the better you able better able we are to stand up, express our ideas, opinions, and share our knowledge with other people without the impediment of feeling off balance.

At 34:50  We move into talking about the importance of finding balance and sustainable balance within our own health and especially the relationship we have with our mind. We discuss the idea of the conventional churn and burn of the grind of true life, the life that everybody portrays, and then the shiny cover of the book that we all tend to want to project. David shares his struggles with anxiety and how it led to him self-medicating from an early age with alcohol. We travel through his journey of finding a way to being able to operate in the world and the extreme measures it took for him to rebalance his mental state to one that could function well on a daily basis.

We both discuss our own struggles and how it took medical intervention along with the assistance of seasoned professionals for us both to find peace with ourselves and the lives we live today.

Connect With David Online and Social Media





More About David

David's long-term mission is to fundamentally enhance physical education in an effort to stem impending societal issues for a better tomorrow. He believes health care should begin with movement education.
David is grateful to all the talented and dedicated fitness professionals who use his products and programming to help others achieve better balance, performance, and health. He currently conducts private training for serious fitness enthusiasts and athletes and offers consultations for aspiring inventors and entrepreneurs.

What is BOSU®?
What began as the launch of one of the most innovative products the fitness industry has ever seen turned out to be just the start of a journey that continues to expand, shape and define functional training.
Invented by David Weck, the BOSU® Balance Trainer debuted in 2000 and quickly became one of the most successful fitness training products in the world. Originally the name “BOSU” was an acronym for “Both Sides Up.” It meant that the BOSU® Balance Trainer could be used on either side, the dome or the platform.
Today, the term “BOSU” has evolved beyond the product to now mean “Both Sides Utilized,” a mindful approach to exercise that is a step beyond traditional training. This clarity of who we are and what we want to offer inspired the development of additional BOSU® products and programming, all of which are grounded in exercise science and proven in real-life application.
BOSU® Training is about expanding movement capabilities, reshaping bodies and strengthening minds. It’s about inserting thought into movement. It’s about asking our clients, fitness students and athletes to be physically involved, but to also be present and fully engaged in the training process.
It doesn’t matter if you’re facing the toughest competition of your athletic career, looking to return to a fitter you, or just starting out. BOSU® Training can see you through it all with new challenges and exercise progressions always just around the corner.


Direct download: Episode76_DavidWeck.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 5:00am EDT